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Ping'an Pavilion Cableway

Date:2019-04-18 22:53:34

Ping'an Pavilion reciprocating ropeway is a double-track and double-bearing 45+1-person suspension cableway with one-way transport capacity of 700 people per hour, horizontal length of 539.88 meters, height difference of 360.66 meters and inclined length of 634 meters. It is a ropeway with strong transport capacity and appreciation value. The highest standard angle of reciprocating ropeway climbing in the world is 45 degrees, while the slope of Ping'an Pavilion ropeway is 42.6 degrees, which is the steepest reciprocating ropeway in China. The opening of the ropeway not only adds a new way of experience for tourists, but also greatly improves the transport capacity of tourists up and down the scenic area.