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Notice of adjustment

Date:2019-04-18 23:42:56

Dear Tourist Friends:            As the 5A project of Wuling Mountain Rift Valley Scenic Area has entered a period of comprehensive fortification, the scenic area will be closed on May 16, 2017 and open to the public within a limited time. The scenic spot specially launches a high-quality tour line - Tangyakou Cableway (downstream) tour line, so that you can easily swim the Rift Valley!            During the period, Tangyakou (downstream) cableway is free to ride, the scenic spot ticket concessional fee is 20 yuan per person, ferry is 25 yuan per person, battery car is 10 yuan per person, Ping'an Pavilion (upstream) cableway is 40 yuan per person, the combination concessional package price is 80 yuan per person. Ticket selling time is 9:00-15:00, and the maximum carrying capacity of tourists in the scenic spots of weekends and holidays is 3000 people per day.            I hereby announce.